Saturday, January 28, 2006

CInta Agung Cinta untuk Ilahi

Friday, January 20, 2006

Teknologi Berhujah

Teknologi Berhujjah

Orang kita ni memang suka berhujjah ….Bila berlaku perbezaan pendapat, ketika bertemu dua pihak yg berbeza pendapat ni biasanya akan berlaku perdebatan atau perbincangan. Dlm pd itu masing2 pihak akan mengemukakan hujjah …….dah tentu la setiap pihak akan cuba mematahkan hujah lawannya. Mereka akan cuba buktikan bhw pihaknya yg benar dan pihak lawan yg salah. Dlm proses mengemukakan hujjah ni kadang2 berlaku tindakan menyindir2,merendah2,memperlekeh …….berlaku juga cubaan mencabar dan menaikkan emosi pihak lawan …… mereka tak sedar pihak lawan tu juga saudara mereka ……maksudnya sama2 Islam. Maka berlakulah ketegangan antara dua pihak ….sekurang2nya ketegangan emosi yg ketara.Akhirnya Satu pihak menang berhujjah …satu lagi kalah.Rasanya pihak yg kalah tu tak bersedia utk menikut pendapat pihak yg menang ..hal ini krn emosi yg kalah tu terluka …..mungkin mereka terasa dendam,marah,benci dll…. Mereka benar2 dikuasai sentimen.Mengikut ilmu psikologi biasanya sentimen begini boleh menghalang awareness(kesedaran) …dan juga menghalang insight (celik akal).
Kedua2 pihak yg berhujjah ni wajar merujuk kpd. Objektif mereka ……Kalau inginkan pihak lawan mengikuti pendapat mereka ,maka wajar lah cara berhujjah tu diperbaiki. Jgn asyik nak menang saja …..selit juga keinginan utk buat pihak lawan menerima pendapatnya.
Semasa berhujjah biasanya setiap pihak akan mengemukan hujjah berupa maklumat,data,perbandingan dsbnya …..agar pihak lawan mendapat tahu apa yg sepatutnya….Tapi jgn lupa utk memeriksa persepsi lawan ….sejauh mana mereka dpt menerima hujjah2 yg dikemukakan,aspek mana dri hujjah tersebut mereka bersetuju dan aspek mana pula mereka tak bersetuju.

assalamualaikum.....this article was written by an ustaz in Newcastle about debate. What he said is right. For me, I would say niyyah @intention is very important in doing debate (honestly, this is the hardest bit). If we want to get a better understanding or solution upon certain matter out of that debate, then obviously we would have to make sure that the debate is not an emotional one and readily to accept the truth even if it is brought forward by the other side. Or, like most people do (me as well sometime), their intention is to win the debate. ONCE we have this intention, our debate will be very2 destructive instead of constructive. Wonder Y?? We will manipulate data and facts just to support our argument. We will not elicit fact which is in favour of our opponent. For the sake of winning people will do these two things. Very destructive isn't it??
Please say yes...

p/s to get better understanding about what ive just scribbled, 6 Hat thinking by Edward de Bono is a good one. I've got a ppt doc regarding that book. If anyone interested just email me. I can be reached at

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A must see documentary

A MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY. A very2 good documentary....really touched my heart. Credit to Bro Yusuf who found it.

Down here is an article about the documentary. Hope that it can trigger your interest.
To see the documentary just click on the title below.
Hope that ur heart will 'enjoy' this.

Turning Muslim in Texas

Praying in Texas
George W Bush may be backed by Christian fundamentalists but in his home state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw. The Bible belt is transferring its allegiance to the Qur’an because, for many erstwhile Christians, believe it or not, the church is too liberal.
Eric was a Baptist preacher before he became a Muslim 14 years ago. Now he prays five times a day – even in the middle of watching a football game. His wife, Karen, also a convert, is covered from head to toe in the traditional Muslim burka. Islam, says Eric, ‘is everything I wanted Christianity to be’. His mother has found it hard to come to terms with her son’s conversion and believes he will return to the Christian faith: ‘Then he will be a dynamic preacher.’ Eric says: ‘Maybe some day she’ll embrace Islam.’
Women are also becoming followers of Muhamed. Yasmine (previously Mindy) arranged a marriage for herself and has three children. Islam, she says is ‘the solution to a lot of the prevailing evils: drugs, adultery, fornication…’ Converts often see the religious laws more clearly than those who have been brought up as Muslims and Yasmine can spot a mistake at 20 paces. She believes that she has a unique opportunity to help people who are born into the religion get back to the fundamentals.
Catherine has been a Muslim for two weeks. She came from a privileged background – private school followed by a career in PR. Now the established Muslim women guide her through the purification rituals as she washes before prayer and removes her nail varnish.
David is the only white Muslim in his little town on Route 66. He believes his new religion makes him a better American and, far from undermining liberties, gives the individual more rights. He had an arranged marriage and his wife, who was born a Muslim, was shocked by the strictness with which he insists they live their lives. His family – a white man with his wife and daughter dressed in their hijabs (headscarves) –are stared in the streets and supermarkets of their one-horse town.
There are 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Since 9/11 there have been more converts to Islam than ever. Eric believes that people are trying to understand Muslims and want to learn about their religion. Yasmine says: ‘America should not be afraid. If it would be better Muslims were the majority. If a child asks me: “Who made this leaf?” I say, “Allah. Allah made everything.”’

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Alhamdulillah....just finish my MBBS Stage 2 progress 1 examination.

Hmmm...there is something for us to ponder upon. Academic exams usually make us depressed. Have we ever thought of our never ceasing exams from God? Prepare for them?

We tend to neglect the latter, even though they should be the most important thing in our life. The exams that will determine our final destination.

How much effort have put on God's exams. Shouldn't we afraid of failing that exams?

"Exams are over but God's assignment is till the days of one's demise."-Bro Adri

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Dust is my bed

a very good nasyeed...the REAL nasyeed. Reminds us about death...Hope u guys can benefit from it....

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Assalamualaikum wbt
After quite sometime menyepi dari dunia blogging…at last….Hope that Allah will give me strenth to write in His cause…
Just want to share something that ive just learned from kuliyah from Dr Asri Zainal Abidin.
Saum (puasa) and solah are our “ibadah khusus”. And this kind of ibadah, we have to refer it to revealed knowledge (Tauqifiyyah) in order to do it correctly. That’s y in Mekah prophet Muhammad did not perform saum, simply because wahyu@wahi regarding saum (puasa) had not been revealed till in Madinah.

Why do we have to do our ibadah correctly?? Can we just simply do it in a way that we want??? At least we are still worshipping HIM (some people might say this)

It is because only Allah knows how should we worship him. To make it clearer, think in this way, when we do hajj, we will shave our head right ?? Y?? that’s what our prophet asked us to do (according to the wahyu @ wahi) What about buddha monks?? They shave their head all the time..they are also doing that for the sake of God @ Allah. Logically, it might seem that they are better than us. Are they?? No..because they don’t do it in a correct way.

Before Islam, we have to bear in mind that people still worshipped Allah. They were still performing hajj…but sadly..they did it nakedly..simply saying, they were still doing ibadah but they did it not in the right way....Islam came to show the way in which this ibadah should be done.

Syeikh Ibnu Taimiyah, a hujjatul islam in his book “Al-ubudiyah” said, in order for our Ibadah to be accepted, it should have two elements. The first one is Al Hubb (Love), and second one Khudu’ (surrender). When we do solah, if we do it without love to our LORD, it will not be accepted.

Regarding love, Dr Asri beautifully described this by telling a love story between Laila and Qais. One popular phrase by Qais “aku mengusap batu2 bangunan, memegang tanah dan menciumnya bukan kerana mencintai tempat ini tapi kerana mencintai Laila yang tinggal di sini” (partly made up by me...obviously I cant remember word by word that come out from Dr's!!)

When we love someone (human being) we will try our best to make him /her happy, we will be very careful to make sure that we do not hurt him or her. Same rule applies to our love to GOD. We should be very careful in our love to him.

BUT, Love alone is not enough. We also have to surrender (Khudu’) to HIM. We should feel that we r very weak and need his guidance. Doing ibadah without this feeling will cause our ibadah to be rejected. Doing ibadah when we believe that there is a better law than Allah’s, not fullheartedly accept every ayah in the Koran might cause our ibadah to be rejected.

Wallahua’lam Hope this sharing will benefit all of us.

One final Q?? Our ibadah have these two elements?? HMMM........tanyalah iman anda...