Monday, June 13, 2005

Sumbangan artikel dari sahabatku


The following paragraphs of discourse are Insya-Allah, thoughts expressed by the author alone and may not necessarily reflect that of the blogger, (Ibnu Ismail) benevolent host of this work. Also, the author’s use of the pen name Avicenna obviously does not reflect his likeness to the great man himself. Allahu-alam.

Avicenna’s Musings

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praises are due to Allah and only Allah, creator of all living things in this Universe and more specifically this home we call Earth. Masya-Allah, it is a home that is often taken for granted by us, yes, the appointed Caliphs of this world by Allah S.W.T but we always forget, that it is only but a temporary home before the eternity of the Afterlife that awaits every soul.

Being a most fallible servant myself, I often find myself rationalising the most apparent jahilli activities that I do, even though it’s plain and clearly against the teachings of Islam. We try to make excuses and convince ourselves that as long as we started those activities with “good intentions”, it will be accepted and all will be forgiven. Astaghfirullah! How we have fooled ourselves! It is most difficult to dissociate ourselves from, first and foremost, a jahilli mode of thinking, as we have mostly been brought up in an environment where it is the norm to think that religion is something to be practiced only 5 times a day and at home, and the mosques and musollahs are only places befitting Friday prayers! Masya-Allah! Are we no different, then, from the people of the Book, who are now in the darkness of their adulterated beliefs? Alhamdulillah, Allah opened this servant’s heart to the right path, it is so true that if He chooses to guide a person, no being on this planet can mislead him and if he chooses to blind a person, verily no one will be able to guide him. Perusing some very notable Islamic literature proved to be an eye opener for this servant, Milestone by Syed Qutub, most notably.

Being a renowned scholar of Islam, Syed Qutub was executed only for spreading the truth in a country where a most vile, and corrupted leader resided. In Milestone, he laid out several important changes that all Muslims must make to return to the one true path of God’s pleasure. His words initially did not sit well with me, having being grounded in most jahilli modes of thinking and rationalising. (Always with the logic, always with the logic) He offers only one path, and all other paths are jahilli, and he further postulates that the greatness of the unique Quranic generation can only be attained once more by discarding all Jahilli influences in our daily lives. Being brought up in a situation of compromise, and confusion over culture and religious demarcations, only served to amplify the initially anger I had over his words.

It was only by re-reading his book that I gained some increased understanding of some of the ideas he was promoting and of their truth. Of course, many scholars nowadays also trumpet and advocate the return of Muslims to the Quran-al-Karim and the As-Sunnah and Hadith, but what Milestone proposed was truly revolutionary. It outlined many things with a depth that can only be achieved from decades of careful study and observation. I fear that to appraise simply in this limited number of words would be doing it a great injustice, and I would definitely recommend that book to any Muslim who would like an idea of where to proceed from now. Insya-Allah, prepare to have your present conceptions, ideas, concerns and expectations to be challenged, and altered.

With that said, Avicenna rests his case for now, and Insya-Allah will continue his musings at a later time. All blessings and glad tidings come from Allah S.W.T and all weaknesses and discrepancies in the above article come from this fallible servant. Allahualam.


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